Sabtu, 21 Juni 2014


Studying accounting enable someone to have better potential on this art of writing. Studying accounting give good benefit for develop our skill on writing. The good writing activity can produce interesting work art. Studying accounting can hope student contrubusion for be successful the good art writing. Studying accounting have the same with art of conventional writing when good. Accounting are writing, classifying and summarizing for the good information when to use for external people. Accounting can accepted for people must have the good principle into the information not accurate. The people have the difference importance. Accounting information will all to the good for someone as opinion matter to take a decision. Accounting principle appear for experience when used as orientation to accounting processing. Financial accounting problems associated with recording transactions for a company or organization and preparation of periodic reports on the results of such postings. This report is prepared for general interest and is typically used to assess the achievements of the company owner or manager used as a manager of financial accountability to shareholders.

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